Design and Analysis of Stormwater Management Ponds
les 7 et 8 avril 2025
Code : 15-0431-ONL25
After participating in this course, you will be able to:
- Understand the basics of stormwater management, pond design, application and types of storage facilities
- Understand the limitations of the standard of practice and examine the state-of-the-art engineering
- Apply basic hydrology and hydraulic principles to urban drainage design
- Determine runoff (peak flows and volumes) from rural and urban watersheds
- Gain a solid understanding of stormwater pond design principles and learn to design and analyze stormwater ponds to meet given planning objectives
This workshop provides a detailed review of the complex stormwater management pond design procedures. By participating in this course, you will focus on the latest application of sound planning, design, construction and maintenance practices for stormwater management ponds. You will learn how to integrate innovative solutions to address current and future challenges in stormwater management, ensuring that the systems you design are efficient, cost-effective, and sustainable.
We will cover a review of the building blocks of a pond design, such as hydrology and hydraulic calculations. It will also provide an overview of the current criteria required by approval agencies, a review of types of pond storage facilities, and a review of pond layout components, such as forebays, permanent and active storages, inlets, outlets, and spillways.
Who Should Attend
Those involved with the design, construction, operation, maintenance, or review of stormwater ponds, including:
Drainage Engineers • Municipal Engineers • Consultants • Technologists • Developers • Planners • Supervisors • Field & Technical personnel
Special Features & Requirements
The course notes will be provided in electronic format.
Please download and install the following information:
- EPA-Stormwater Management Model (SWMM) Software:
- Environment Canada databases are available through this link
- IDF Data - Environment Canada has made some changes to the IDF data. Note for everyone; the link can be placed in a shortcut on the desktop to allow for easy access.
- Please test the installed software. When it opens do you see a map of Canada with a lot of blue dots? - If yes, then you have been successful.
- Environment Canada stream gauging database HYDAT:
- Please test the installed software. When it opens do you see a map of Canada with a lot of green dots? - If yes, then you have been successful. - If no, then please open a File Explorer and go to the folder where the EC Software was installed. Typically this will be C:/Program Files (x86)/EC/ECDataExplorer/Support. In this folder will be a program from Microsoft, AccessRuntime.exe. Please run this program to install a Microsoft Access Database viewer that is used by the Environment Canada Data Explorer. Test the Data Explorer again to confirm that the map of Canada and the green dots appear. If they appear, the program has been successfully installed.
10 am to 6 pm Eastern (Will include the usual breaks)
Horaire : 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM EDT
voir le programme complet
Day 1-Building Blocks of Pond Design
Welcome, Introduction, Workshop Preview, Learning Outcomes & the Assessment Method
- Why do we need stormwater management?
- Review of stormwater best management practices & role of ponds
- Review of the latest flood control & stormwater management criteria
A Hydrology Refresher
- Rainfall analyses
- Time of concentration
- Rainfall losses
- Estimating flows using rational & hydrographs methods
- Estimating flows using recorded stream discharges
- Effect of climate change
A Hydraulics Refresher
- Open channel hydraulics
- Pipe hydraulics
- Orifice & weir flows
Pond Design Criteria
- Pond types: dry, wet, extended detention, above and below ground facilities
- Typical design objectives and approval criteria
- Flood control
- Water quality control
- Erosion control
- Temperature
- Water balance
- Landscaping and Planting
- Private and Public Ponds
Workshop Examples
- Rational Method Examples
- Estimating natural flood discharges from records
- Flow Estimation Using EPA-SWMM
Day 2- Overview of Pond Design
Catchment & Site Characteristics
- Site drainage area
- Space requirement
- Topography
- Depth to the water table
- Depth to bedrock
- Presence of wetlands
- Soil characteristics
- Receiving water(s)
- Need for additional stormwater quantity & quality control
- Needs for an extended wet pond
- Decide where on the site the pond is most likely to be located
Overview of Pond Components
- Permanent & active storage
- Inlets
- Forebays
- Outlets
- Spillways
- Embankments
- Spillway & embankment
- Landscaping
- Cold climate consideration
- Safety & recreational activities
- Costs
- Legal implications
- Liabilities & risk reduction
Step-by-Step Review of Pond Design
- Input hydrology and design discharges
- Establish control works
- Hydrograph routing using EPA-SWMM
- Iterate for pond volume and configuration
- Effect of water quality features
- Typical layout of stormwater ponds
- Design of inlet
- Design of forebay
- Design of outlets
- Pond routing & sizing
- Pond design reports
Operation, Inspection, Maintenance & Monitoring
- Municipal input during design review
- Post-construction operation, inspection & maintenance of ponds
- Preparation of Monitoring Plans
Case Studies
Questions & Answers & Feedback to Participants on Achievement of Learning Outcomes
Nav Sandhu, P.Eng., is a Senior Water Resources Engineer with 20 years of experience.
He has extensive experience in stormwater management and drainage planning and design throughout Canada, ranging from servicing /planning studies to detailed design of complex systems. His stormwater infrastructure design experience includes storm sewer systems, culverts, above and below-ground detention and water quality facilities, diversion structures, control and outfall structures, infiltration systems, rip-rap protection works, and instream rehabilitation works. He’s also experienced in base-flow augmentation, source control/rainwater management and other LID systems-relatively new techniques that support sustainable design.
His stormwater engineering knowledge, municipal development, and highway experience make him an excellent resource for a range of clients. He has also provided expert opinions and reports on legal proceedings related to drainage throughout BC.
Nous visons toujours à améliorer la qualité de nos cours. Veuillez sélectionner les raisons pour lesquelles vous pensez que ce cours est inadéquat (Cochez toutes les cases qui s’appliquent).
Note d’évaluation pour cette formation
Évaluation globale de ce cours par ses participants précédents !
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Tous les cours du CIPE vous permettent d’obtenir vos Heures de formation continue; utiles pour ceux qui doivent accumuler et soumettre leurs Heures comme l’exige l’Ordre des ingénieurs du Québec (OIQ) et l’Ordre des technologues professionnels du Québec (OTPQ).
Ces exigences de formation prennent fin le 31 mars 2025 pour l’OIQ et le 30 avril 2025 pour l’OTPQ !
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- Efficacité et coût
- Des cours de grandes qualité
- Flexibilité
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- Obtenez un certificat avec des Heures de formation continue
Brochure de cours
Le CIPE a un catalogue informatif en format PDF qui contient tous les cours à venir.
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