Ontario Fire Code - Fire Safety Inspections
les 22 et 23 septembre 2025
Code : 16-0913-ONL25
After participating in this course, you will be able to:
- Analyze the Fire Protection and Prevention Act and current Ontario Fire Code to ensure fire and life safety compliance in buildings.
- Identify the relevant parts of the Ontario Fire Code and standards critical to conducting inspections.
- Assess various types of inspections performed by fire departments and the tools required for effective execution.
- Conduct fire safety inspections across multiple building occupancies, recognizing potential fire hazards and code violations.
- Use common Fire Department forms to complete Inspection Reports/Orders for violations and understand the processes involved in ensuring compliance with regulations.
Understanding fire safety inspections is essential to protecting the public and property owners. Through the Fire Protection and Prevention Act and the Ontario Fire Code, there are mandates to maintain fire and life safety in buildings. Identifying potential fire hazards before an incident occurs cannot be overstated. By preventing fires, we reduce injury and loss of life and mitigate economic damage to businesses and property.
This course will guide you through the different parts of the Ontario Fire Code, offering insight into building occupancies and their associated fire risks. You will explore the types of inspections conducted by fire departments, including complaint-based, routine, and provincial-mandated inspections. Learn the tools and systematic steps required to perform inspections effectively and how to recognize common fire code violations across various building types, such as residential, institutional, and commercial facilities. An in-class exercise will allow students to perform a Fire Code inspection and issue a Fire Safety Inspection Report/Order.
By the end of the course, you will have practical experience in completing fire safety inspection reports and understanding the legal process involved in enforcing fire code violations. You will also learn to apply fundamental fire safety principles to various building occupancies. These skills will empower you to ensure compliance and improve fire safety measures in your facility.
Who Should Attend
This course is ideal for individuals responsible for fire safety in their respective organizations, such as commercial and industrial facility managers, engineers, and supervisors. It is also suitable for plant operation and maintenance engineers, technicians, property managers, and superintendents.
Additionally, this training would greatly benefit Joint Health & Safety Committee members, insurance adjusters, and anyone involved in fire safety protocols in residential or industrial environments.
Required Resources
To actively participate in this course, please bring a copy of the current or 2015 Ontario Fire Code Compendium. Alternatively, the code is available online through the Province of Ontario E-Laws website, which can be accessed and viewed anytime. This resource will enhance your learning experience and ensure you are well-prepared to engage with the course materials.
8:30 am to 4:30 pm Eastern (Will include the usual breaks)
Required Resources:
Please bring your copy of the 2015 Ontario Fire Code Compendium to participate in this course. The code can also be viewed via the internet at the Province of Ontario E-Laws website.
Horaire : 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM EDT
voir le programme complet
Day 1
Welcome, Introduction, Workshop Preview, Learning Outcomes and the Assessment Method
Codes and Regulations
- Fire Protection and Prevention Act (FPPA)
- Current Province of Ontario Fire Code Compendium
- Roles and Powers of Assistants to the Fire Marshal
- Fines and Offences
Ontario Fire Code
- Division B Parts 1–9 of the fire code
- Referenced Associations and Standards
Types of Building Occupancies
- Assembly; Institutional; Residential; Business/Personal Services; Mercantile and Industrial
- Seven Principles of Life Safety
- Fire safety risks for occupants of each type of building
- Fire code violations in Assembly, Residential, Mercantile and Industrial buildings
Types of Inspections by Fire Departments
- Complaint
- Request
- Routine
- Mandated by the Province of Ontario Office of the Fire Marshal
- Tools and equipment required to perform inspections
Day II
Performing Fire Safety Inspections
- Systematic process and steps to perform inspections
- Common Fire Code violations
- Housekeeping hazards for the interior and exterior of buildings
- Maintenance of installed Fire Protection Systems and Equipment: fire alarm systems, sprinkler systems, standpipe systems, egress facilities, fire access routes, fire hydrants
Fines and Offenses
- Fire Protection and Prevention Act
- Ontario Fire Code
- The legal process when laying charges
- Documentation required for Legal proceedings
Fire Safety Inspection Reports/Orders
- Fire Department Inspection report/Order forms
- In-house inspection report forms
- Steps to achieving compliance with the Fire Code
Questions and Answers and Feedback to Participants on Achievement of Learning Outcomes
John Percy, Office of the Fire Marshal, Ontario Fire College.
John is a certified Canadian Fire Alarm Association Technician (CFAA) for Ontario, public fire & life safety educator, fire prevention officer and currently an Instructor with the Office of the Fire Marshal. He has over 28 years of experience in the fire protection and fire service industries. He has experience with enforcement of the Ontario Fire & Building codes, fire investigations, education, media relations and building plans examination review. Currently registered (BCIN) as a Fire Protection Inspector with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing in Ontario.
Nous visons toujours à améliorer la qualité de nos cours. Veuillez sélectionner les raisons pour lesquelles vous pensez que ce cours est inadéquat (Cochez toutes les cases qui s’appliquent).
Note d’évaluation pour cette formation
Évaluation globale de ce cours par ses participants précédents !
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