Overview of the National Energy Code of Canada for Buildings (NECB) 2020
le 7 février 2025
Code : 0202-WEB25
After participating in this course, you will be able to:
- Understand the purpose and structure of the NECB
- Understand changes compared to previous versions
- Understand a methodology for calculating overall wall thermal transmittance and thermal bridges
- Understand the compliance paths: prescriptive, performance, and tiered performance
NECB 2020 is the most recent version of this national standard. This course will provide an overview of the standard and information on how to apply it to buildings.
Who Should Attend
Architects • Building Engineers • Energy Consultants
10 am-1:30 pm Eastern Time (includes two 15-minute breaks)
Horaire : 10:00 AM - 1:30 PM EDT
voir le programme complet
Course Outline
- Structure of the NECB
- Compliance Paths
- Prescriptive Criteria, Parts 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
- Wall thermal transmittance calculations
- Part 8 Performance Compliance Path
- Part 10 Tiered Performance Compliance
- Major changes compared to NECB 2015 and 2017
Marc Trudeau, Principal, Building Performance Engineer
As a Principal at AME, Marc leads a team of engineers who provide building performance analysis services. Marc is typically involved in projects to offer consulting for whole building energy and greenhouse gas modelling, passive house consulting, embodied carbon calculations, thermal comfort analysis, and daylight simulations. As a Professional Engineer and Architect, Marc brings a multi-disciplinary perspective to his work.
Brett Banadyga, Associate, Building Performance Engineer
As Associate at AME, Brett brings building performance and energy modelling expertise to a diverse range of projects, including: educational, recreational, residential, museum, retail, and affordable housing. Brett specializes in performance-based design, including whole building energy modelling, parametric simulation analysis, thermal comfort analysis, NECB compliance, and energy performance modelling for local jurisdiction sustainability targets.
Nous visons toujours à améliorer la qualité de nos cours. Veuillez sélectionner les raisons pour lesquelles vous pensez que ce cours est inadéquat (Cochez toutes les cases qui s’appliquent).
Note d’évaluation pour cette formation
Évaluation globale de ce cours par ses participants précédents !
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Ces exigences de formation prennent fin le 31 mars 2025 pour l’OIQ et le 30 avril 2025 pour l’OTPQ !
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