Fire Alarm System Documentation

Webinaire / le 3 mars 2025 /
Code : 0301-WEB25

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Veuillez noter :
This course is scheduled for 1 day (2 Hours)

10 am-12 pm Eastern

After participating in this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the documentation requirements for installing, verifying, testing, and maintaining fire alarm systems in Canada.
  • Apply the National Building Code for new construction sites and the National Fire Code for maintaining fire alarm systems in existing buildings.
  • Interpret the ULC Standards for the installation (ULC S524), verification (ULC S537), and inspection (ULC S536) of fire alarm systems.
  • Differentiate the types of reports and documents required for compliance with codes and regulations.
  • Assess the necessity of maintaining accurate documentation throughout the life cycle of fire alarm systems.

Fire alarm system documentation is essential for ensuring safety and compliance in buildings, from initial installation to ongoing maintenance. This course covers the comprehensive documentation requirements for fire alarm systems as outlined in the National Building Code and National Fire Code of Canada. Participants will learn about the various ULC Standards that dictate the procedures for installing, verifying, inspecting, and testing these critical systems.

Attendees will gain insights into the documents needed at each stage, including those required by engineers, designers, and service companies. The course will explore detailed topics such as the National Building Code 2020 Edition and the National Fire Code 2020 Edition, focusing on their implications for fire alarm systems. Emphasis is placed on understanding the ULC S524, S537, and S536 Standards, which govern the installation, verification, and inspection processes.

By the end of the course, participants will be equipped with the knowledge of the required documentation to be prepared and maintained. This ensures that fire alarm systems operate efficiently and in compliance with relevant codes and standards, providing peace of mind to building owners and occupants.

Who Should Attend
This course is ideal for engineers, architects, designers, and contractors involved in designing and installing fire alarm systems in newly constructed buildings. It is also valuable for facility managers, technicians, property managers, and superintendents responsible for maintaining and operating fire alarm systems in existing buildings.

Additionally, building owners, fire safety consultants, and code compliance officers will benefit from understanding the documentation requirements and standards that ensure the safety and functionality of fire alarm systems throughout their lifecycle.

Veuillez noter :
This course is scheduled for 1 day (2 Hours)

10 am-12 pm Eastern

Horaire : 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM EDT

Exigences techniques

Pour les utilisateurs de PC
OS: Windows 7, 8, 10 ou plus récent

Navigateur :
IE 11 ou plus récent, Edge 12 ou plus récent, Firefox 27 ou plus récent, Chrome 30 ou plus récent

Pour les utilisateurs de Macintosh
OS: MacOS 10.7 ou plus récent

Navigateur :
Safari 7+, Firefox 27+, Chrome 30+

OS: iOS 8 ou plus récent

OS: Android 4.0 ou supérieur

voir le programme complet


Veuillez noter :
This course is scheduled for 1 day (2 Hours)

10 am-12 pm Eastern

Codes and Regulations

  • National Building Code 2020
  • National Fire Code 2020
  • ULC Standards on Fire Alarm Systems

Installation of Fire Alarm Systems

  • ULC S524 Standard requirements
  • Plans and Specifications as per the Standard
  • Description of systems
  • Sequence of Operation

Verification of Fire Alarm Systems

  • ULC S537 Standard requirements
  • Verification documentation in accordance with the Standard
  • Verification reports, system riser diagrams

Inspection and Testing of Fire Alarm Systems

  • ULC S536 Standard requirements
  • Inspection and testing frequency
  • Documents required to be kept on-site

National Building Code 2020 Edition

  • Requirements for documentation
  • Installation and Verification of fire alarm systems

National Fire Code 2020 Edition

  • Requirements for documentation
  • Inspection and testing of fire alarm systems
  • Maintenance requirements of fire alarm systems


John Percy, CFAA Tech, FPO, PFLSE, CFEI

John Percy, Office of the Fire Marshal, Ontario Fire College.

John is a certified Canadian Fire Alarm Association Technician (CFAA) for Ontario, public fire & life safety educator, fire prevention officer and currently an Instructor with the Office of the Fire Marshal. He has over 28 years of experience in the fire protection and fire service industries. He has experience with enforcement of the Ontario Fire & Building codes, fire investigations, education, media relations and building plans examination review. Currently registered (BCIN) as a Fire Protection Inspector with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs & Housing in Ontario.


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5.0 sur 5

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  • 2 Heures de formation continue

149 $ (+ TPS/TVQ)


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  • Efficacité et coût
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