Contaminated Soil and Groundwater, Assessment and Remediation
les 2, 3 et 4 avril 2025
Code : 15-0424-ONL25
After participating in this course, you will be able to:
- Understand the phased structure of Environmental Site Assessment (ESA), Risk Assessment (RA) and Remediation requirements
- Support your projects using the necessary Environmental Chemistry knowledge
- Understand the basics of fate and transport of contaminants in porous media
- Construct a Conceptual Site Model and devise a Sampling and Analysis Plan
- Evaluate and select appropriate remediation technologies for contaminated soil and groundwater
The environmental condition of properties is an important issue in redevelopment, financing, and transactions. All stakeholders must be aware of potential environmental liabilities. This detailed three-day course provides information on approaches and methodologies based on Environmental Chemistry required for assessing and remedying contaminated soil and groundwater through the phased structure of ESA, RA, and remediation.
Applicable Environmental Chemistry concepts and principles, along with fundamentals of soil and groundwater properties and fate and transport of contaminants in porous media, will be provided to be employed in the standard procedures outlined in phased structured ESA, including sampling and analysis, Human Health RA and exposure control. Conventional and innovative soil and groundwater remediation methods will be discussed, along with cleanup requirements.
Case examples will be introduced and worked on by participants as the topics are covered.
Who Should Attend
Environmental Engineers & Technologists • Project Managers • Regulatory personnel (federal, provincial and municipal) • Geologists • Consultants & Soil Scientists
10 am to 6 pm Eastern (Will include the usual breaks)
Horaire : 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM EDT
voir le programme complet
DAY I - Environmental Chemistry of Contaminants, Soil and Groundwater
Welcome, Introduction, Course Preview, Learning Outcomes and the Assessment Method.
Environmental Chemistry Basics
- Overview of Contaminants
- Concept of Source-Pathway-Receptor
- Soil and groundwater as transport and exposure pathways
- Physical Reactions (adsorption, volatilization, cation exchange)
- Chemical reactions (Oxidation, Precipitation)
- Biological Reactions
- Clay and organic matter in the soil
Toxic Metals
- Toxic properties of heavy metals
- Sorption/desorption of heavy metals in subsurface
- Chemical precipitation
- Bioaccumulation and biomagnifications of metals
Organic contaminants
- Petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents
- Sorption
- Biodegradation
- Volatilization
- Light and Dense Non-Aqueous Phase Liquids (LNAPL/DNAPLS)
Soil Environment
- Physical properties of soil
- Hydraulic properties of soil/porous media
- Overview of physical, chemical and biological interactions of contaminants in porous media
- Overview of hydrogeology
- Types of aquifers
- Unsaturated zone; hydraulic properties
- Aquifer properties and discharge rates
- Mapping groundwater flow
Contaminant Fate and Transport in Subsurface Environment
- Advection, diffusion and dispersion
- Reactions and decay
- Retardation
- Contaminant transport in vadose zone
- Contaminant transport in the saturated zone
- Introduction to models and software
- Example simplified models
Question and Answer Session
DAY II - Soil and Groundwater Remediation Technologies
Conceptual Site Models
- Source-Pathway-Receptor concept
- Contaminant Source characterization
- Transport and exposure pathways
- Receptors characterization
- Example conceptual site models
Human Health Risk Assessment and Risk-Based Remediation
- Human Health Risk Assessment Framework
- Threshold and non-threshold contaminants
- Human health risk assessment
- Development of risk-based criteria
- Risk-based remediation
- Example calculations
Contaminated Soil Remediation
- Physical/Chemical Treatment Technologies
- Soil Vapor Extraction
- Solidification/Stabilization
- Chemical Oxidation
- Soil Flushing
- Soil washing
- Electrokinetic Separation
- Biological Treatment Technologies: Biofarming, Bioventing, Phytoremediation
Groundwater Remediation
- Monitored Natural Attenuation
- Air Stripping
- Air Sparging
- Pump and Treat System
- Permeable reactive barriers (Zero-valent-iron)
- Application of Nano-Materials to in-situ remediation of groundwater
Examples to be worked on by participants, Question and Answer Session
DAY III - Environmental Site Assessment
Phase I and II Environmental Site Assessment Standards
Phase I ESA
- Legislative requirement
- Provincial guidelines for site assessment
- Identify potential environmental concerns and activity
- Determine whether Phase II ESA is needed
Phase II ESA
- Background study
- Review of existing information
- Preliminary site characterization
- Development of a detailed work plan for Phase II ESA
Soil and Groundwater Sampling
- Sampling plans for soil and groundwater
- QA/QC project plans and samples
- Soil sampling methods and equipment
- Groundwater monitoring wells
Phase II ESA Report - Case Example
Questions and Answers and Feedback to Participants on Achievement of Learning Outcomes

Edwin is a licensed Professional Engineer by Professional Engineers Ontario and is a sessional lecturer at the Physical and Environmental Sciences University of Toronto Scarborough. Edwin is the inventor of Grafta™, a first-of-its-kind unique nano-graphene-based adsorbent for environmental remediation and water and wastewater treatment. He is currently the Vice President of Technology of Grafta Nanotech Inc, where Grafta™ is being mass-produced and commercialized.
Edwin has over 20 years of experience in academia and consulting in Environmental Engineering and Assessment. He has a proven track record of working and managing various Environmental projects ranging from Environmental Site Assessment, Risk Assessment, Impact Assessment, Physical and Contaminant Hydrogeology, Waste Management Planning, Landfill Design, Leachate and Gas Management and Life Cycle Assessment. Edwin has been with EPIC for over nine years and has offered Environmental Assessment, Risk Assessment and Remediation courses in various provinces in Canada.
Nous visons toujours à améliorer la qualité de nos cours. Veuillez sélectionner les raisons pour lesquelles vous pensez que ce cours est inadéquat (Cochez toutes les cases qui s’appliquent).
Note d’évaluation pour cette formation
Évaluation globale de ce cours par ses participants précédents !
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Ces exigences de formation prennent fin le 31 mars 2025 pour l’OIQ et le 30 avril 2025 pour l’OTPQ !
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