Business Writing for the Technical Professional: Harness the Writing Process

Webinaire / le 11 décembre 2025 /
Code : 1203-WEB25

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After participating in this course, you will be able to:

  • Define communication process
  • Understand why AIAA (attention, interest, attitude, action) is important
  • Review the writing process and understand why writing is just part of the process
  • Use W5 (who, what, where, when, why) to write an email
  • Review the structure of reports

Do you find yourself feeling blank when you face the blank page? Do you have a lot to say but need to know where or how to start? Do you suspect your writing tends to go on too long and is not as organized or focused as it could (or should) be? Have you ever used ASAP in an email message? Do you want to know why you shouldn't use it?

Do you want to write more effective proposals or reports? Do you want to write more effectively and efficiently? If you answered yes to any of the above questions, this webinar is for you.

Who Should Attend

  • Anyone looking to become a more effective and efficient email and report writer
Horaire : 12:00 PM - 2:00 PM EDT

Exigences techniques

Pour les utilisateurs de PC
OS: Windows 7, 8, 10 ou plus récent

Navigateur :
IE 11 ou plus récent, Edge 12 ou plus récent, Firefox 27 ou plus récent, Chrome 30 ou plus récent

Pour les utilisateurs de Macintosh
OS: MacOS 10.7 ou plus récent

Navigateur :
Safari 7+, Firefox 27+, Chrome 30+

OS: iOS 8 ou plus récent

OS: Android 4.0 ou supérieur

voir le programme complet


Course Outline

  • Communication process
  • Attention, Interest, Attitude, Action (AIAA)
  • Writing process
  • Planning and purpose
  • Who, what, where, when and why (W5) and email
  • Writing Structure
  • Tone
  • Writing longer documents and the benefits of outlining
  • Paragraphs, numbered and bullet points
  • Editing and proofreading tips


Kristen Stelzer

Kristen translates technical ideas and benefits into relatable terms customers can understand. She doesn’t “dumb down” ideas, which can be condescending. Instead, she breaks down complicated ideas into more straightforward, relatable forms.

She started doing this 20 years ago as a land developer and civil engineer. Kristen ensured non-specialists could understand a complicated project—and she’d persuade them to support it.

If politicians and stakeholders didn’t understand or support a project, it wouldn’t get approved. And that would mean hundreds of thousands of dollars in investment—and millions of dollars in profits—lost.

Kristen secured hundreds of approvals for residential, commercial, and telecom clients. She uses those skills to help tech companies explain their products and services to their customers.

Kristen specializes in white papers, lead magnets, sales-funnel content, strategy and training. Her clients include government contractors, engineers, marketing agencies, the Linux Foundation, and IBM.

She recently won awards for chatbot writing and for white paper writing. She’s an AWAI Certified Copywriter, White Paper Specialist, Chatbot Writer, and Email Specialist. She also retains her PE license in Maryland.


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4.3 sur 5

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  • 2 Heures de formation continue

149 $ (+ TPS/TVQ)


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  • Efficacité et coût
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