Contract Specifications and CSI Master Format
le 21 mai 2025
Code : 0506-WEB25
After participating in this course, you will be able to:
- Obtain a solid understanding of the master format and construction specifications system
- Navigate through the divisions of the contract with more efficiency and knowledge
- Understand the CSI-CSC system general guidelines, changes in specification, and how to ensure using the correct specifications for your projects and products.
Design contracts are the most common contract types. People in the construction industry must have a solid grasp of specifications to achieve successful contracting work. CSI is the source of information and support in specifications writing; it has created a successful source system for many years, so why is there a current need for change? This course will focus on answering this question, providing a good understanding of the format and case study on contract specifications.
The course is essential & comprehensive in providing a thorough understanding of the role of specifications in contract documents and the best industry practices in managing specifications in design & procurement in relation to construction work, materials supply and production.
Who Should Attend
- Project Managers
- Designers & architects
- Engineers
- Estimators
- People with a construction background who need to obtain better knowledge of contractual specification
- People in manufacturing and material production
Firas Shugaa, BSc Arch, PMP, LEED AP, BCIN, REPFiras Shugaa is a Bachelor of architectural engineering since 1984 with years of experience in both design & construction as a senior project manager for award-winning projects, including ICI, medical and infrastructure construction using sound project management, functional, cost-effective project controls and quality procedures.
He is certified as an adult learning and continuing education teacher in Ontario colleges, delivering technical project management expertise combined with field practice. Firas is active in many chapters and professional associations, holding designations such as LEED AP BD+C, PMP, REP (Renewable Energy Professional) and Building Code Designer Part 3.
Nous visons toujours à améliorer la qualité de nos cours. Veuillez sélectionner les raisons pour lesquelles vous pensez que ce cours est inadéquat (Cochez toutes les cases qui s’appliquent).
Note d’évaluation pour cette formation
Évaluation globale de ce cours par ses participants précédents !
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Ces exigences de formation prennent fin le 31 mars 2025 pour l’OIQ et le 30 avril 2025 pour l’OTPQ !
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- Efficacité et coût
- Des cours de grandes qualité
- Flexibilité
- Pratique
- Confidentialité
- Obtenez un certificat avec des Heures de formation continue
Brochure de cours
Le CIPE a un catalogue informatif en format PDF qui contient tous les cours à venir.
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