Negotiate Your Way to Success
le 9 mai 2025
Code : 0507-WEB25
After participating in this course, you will be able to:
- Use the six Power Skills to negotiate effectively-both professionally, and personally
- Utilize the “WIN-ABLE” strategy to plan any negotiation expertly.
- Confidently communicate with active listening and successful questioning to manage your negotiations successfully.
- Attain the trust and respect of your negotiation counterparts to get a deal.
- Competently negotiate using different styles when appropriate
- Tactfully use negotiation “CPR” to breathe life into your negotiations.
Many people assume that negotiations are a win-lose proposition. The myth that there is a fixed pie leads inexperienced negotiators into competitive situations which may destroy working and personal relationships. A small percentage of negotiations are distributive, in which there is a fixed resource- one issue to resolve: price. But most of the time, in organizational or personal negotiations, many issues and interests are typically involved. Seasoned negotiators expand the pie by providing value through mutually beneficial tradeoffs among issues.
The more complex the negotiation, the greater the chance for options which will meet the true needs of the parties and the organization. A good negotiator finds out the interests and desires of the other parties, so that he/she can use that information to enlarge the pie for all. When negotiators stop focusing on winning each issue, and focus on mutual gain solutions, they create greater value and improve relationships while making sure that their own needs and desires are met.
Successful negotiators engage others to reveal their underlying interests rather than just their positions. When all parties understand each other, and have a hand in “solutioneering”, successful agreements last and positive relationships endure.
Who Should Attend
Motivated, eager employees in a working environment who desire to reach their full potential as powerful yet respected negotiators. This webinar is necessary for those who wish to negotiate effectively with their bosses, subordinates, or even their significant others. If you wish to be promoted, or better handle your staff or if you want to improve your negotiation skills with vendors, this webinar is for you. This webinar will give you successful tools to use immediately. You will acquire the skills needed to establish yourself as a confident, influential leader, and a trusted, revered negotiator.
Horaire : 12:30 PM - 2:00 PM EDTvoir le programme complet
Course Outline
- How to Develop Your True Power in Negotiations
- How to Create a “Win-Able” Strategy to Plan for Success
- How to Communicate Confidently in Negotiations
- How to Attain Respect and Trust in Negotiations
- How to Understand Yourself and Others in Stressful Negotiations
- How to Use Powerful Negotiating Skills to Get Your Interests Met
Mari J. Frank, Esq., MA, CIPP, is an attorney, professor, mediator, author, coach and radio host in practice in Apollo Beach, Florida.
She has taught corporate leaders leadership skills, conflict management, negotiations, and mediation at the University of California, Brandman University and Western State College of Law. She mediates business and employment disputes and trains executives and lawyers in the skills of emotional intelligence, effective leadership, negotiations, and successful conflict resolution.
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