How To Specify Fall Protection To Get What You Or Your Client Needs
le 7 février 2025
Code : 0203-WEB25
After participating in this course, you will be able to:
- Evaluate various fall protection options and make informed decisions based on cost-effectiveness and safety.
- Develop specifications that emphasize performance requirements, ensuring effective fall protection solutions.
- Assess the limitations of common fall arrest systems and implement strategies to enhance safety at lower heights.
- Identify relevant fall protection regulations and standards applicable to specific systems and scenarios.
- Analyze the impact of substituting equipment within a fall protection system and its effect on overall performance.
Understanding the intricacies of fall protection is essential for ensuring workplace safety and compliance with regulatory standards. This course delves into the diverse methods of providing fall protection, from Passive systems like guarded work areas to Active systems such as Travel Restraint and Fall Arrest. While Active Fall Protection is often a more cost-effective solution, it requires a deeper understanding of the complexities of creating and maintaining robust anchorage systems and their interaction with the systems and PPE that we are using.
Participants will explore the importance of specifying performance requirements rather than merely selecting types or brands. You'll learn to evaluate various fall protection systems and understand the trade-offs between cost and effectiveness. Although the course does not cover fall protection engineering methods, it provides attendees with enough understanding to write detailed specifications that make fall protection providers responsible for the engineering performance of their systems. Special attention is given to the critical contents of CSA Z259.16, so your specifications will require vendors to provide effective and complete Active Fall Protection Systems, including aspects that you may not otherwise consider, such as rescue, training and knowing whether the fall will actually be prevented or otherwise stopped within the available clearance.
By the end of this course, you will be equipped with the knowledge to write detailed and effective specifications for fall protection tailored to the unique challenges of your work environment.
Who Should Attend
This course is designed for Architects and Engineers with basic or no prior knowledge of fall protection safety, particularly those involved in writing or selecting specifications for developing and installing fall protection systems.
It is also ideal for Project Managers overseeing construction or renovation projects who need to ensure that fall protection measures are correctly specified and implemented. Safety Inspectors and Health and Safety Officers will benefit from this course by understanding effective safety measures and regulatory compliance.
Additionally, Facility Maintenance Supervisors and Contractors who manage environments with potential fall hazards will find this course invaluable for ensuring the safety of their teams. Risk Management Professionals involved in assessing and mitigating workplace risks and Legal and Compliance Professionals tasked with applying safety standards will also greatly benefit.
1:00 pm to 3:00 pm Eastern
Horaire : 1:00 PM - 3:00 PM EDT
voir le programme complet
- Fundamentals of Fall Protection: Learn about fall protection technology, including the hierarchy of solutions, from passive to active systems.
- Clearance Requirements: Understand the necessary clearances for various fall arrest systems and identify when to consult a Qualified Fall Protection Engineer.
- Standards and Regulations: Explore CSA and international standards relevant to different fall protection systems and how to cite them effectively.
- CSA Z259.16 Essentials: Review key aspects of the “Design of Active Fall Protection Systems” to ensure you select solutions that meet performance needs.
Greg Small is highly respected as one of the leading Fall Protection engineering experts in the World. Approximately one-third of presenters at the last ten “International Society for Fall Protection” Symposiums have received Fall Protection Engineering Training from Greg.
In 1991, Greg was appointed to the Canadian Standards Association Z259 technical committee on fall protection and served on its executive for more than 10 years, stepping down as its vice-chair in 2016. He has played a very active role in the development of standards in fall protection. He has made significant contributions to the last two editions of Z259.13, “Flexible Horizontal Lifeline Systems”, and chaired the first edition of Z259.15, “Anchorage Connectors”. His proudest achievement, however, was conceiving and chairing the original and all subsequent editions of Z259.16, for the “Design of Active Fall Protection Systems”. This ground-breaking standard was adopted, almost verbatim, as ANSI Z359.6-09 in the United States and SS607 in Singapore. At ANSI Z359, Greg stepped down as chair of ANSI Z359.18, “Anchorage Connectors” in 2020 but remains a very active participant in that and many other standards, particularly ANSI Z359.6 (“Design of Active Fall Protection Systems”) and ANSI Z359.17 (“Horizontal Lifelines”).
Greg incorporated “Elevated Insight and Engineering Ltd.” in September 2016, in service of the fall protection industry. He remains active with CSA Z259 and ANSI Z359 and consults to engineering firms, manufacturers and regulators. He serves as an expert witness in a variety of liability cases, and offers his industry-leading training in “Qualified Fall Protection Engineer” and “Competent Person Advanced”. He has participated in many forensic investigations of incidents, accidents, equipment failures, design flaws, and mis-use of equipment and systems.
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Note d’évaluation pour cette formation
Évaluation globale de ce cours par ses participants précédents !
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