Improving Mechanical Drawings Using Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing

Webinaire / le 17 juin 2025 /
Code : 0601-WEB25

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After participating in this course, you will be able to:

  • Interpret the 14 geometric characteristic symbols in GD&T per the ASME Y14.5 standard.
  • Apply GD&T symbols effectively to mechanical drawings for enhanced clarity and communication.
  • Establish reference frames for part features using datums in GD&T.
  • Construct feature control frames, integrating maximum and least material conditions and applying bonus tolerances.
  • Utilize GD&T principles to enhance design accuracy, manufacturing efficiency, and quality control.

Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) is a sophisticated language used on mechanical drawings to convey design intent more clearly than traditional plus/minus tolerances. Understanding GD&T is essential for ensuring parts fit and function as intended, particularly in complex assemblies. By mastering this language, engineers and designers can reduce ambiguity in drawings, leading to fewer errors in manufacturing and assembly.

In this course, you will delve into the 14 geometric characteristic symbols outlined in the ASME Y14.5 standard. You'll learn how these symbols relate to datums, which are reference points for measurements. The course will guide you through the practical application of GD&T, teaching you to read and create feature control frames and understand conditions like maximum and least material and the benefits of bonus tolerances. Topics covered include traditional tolerancing, the necessity and advantages of GD&T, tolerancing symbols, and practical examples to solidify your understanding.

By the end of the course, you'll be equipped to interpret GD&T in real-world scenarios, enhancing your product's accuracy and manufacturing process efficiency. This knowledge will also help improve quality control, helping your products meet stringent industry standards. With these skills, you will be better prepared to tackle complex challenges and improve communication between the engineering and manufacturing teams.

Who Should Attend
This course is ideal for product engineers, manufacturing engineers, manufacturing personnel, and quality/gauging inspectors, particularly those who are new to GD&T or looking to deepen their understanding.

It is also beneficial for drafting professionals and CAD designers who want to enhance their technical drawing skills. Mechanical engineers involved in product development, quality assurance professionals who perform inspections, and production supervisors overseeing manufacturing processes with tight tolerances will find this course valuable.

Additionally, technical managers and project leads seeking to improve cross-functional communication and reduce manufacturing errors will gain crucial insights from this training. 

Horaire : 12:30 PM - 1:30 PM EDT

Exigences techniques

Pour les utilisateurs de PC
OS: Windows 7, 8, 10 ou plus récent

Navigateur :
IE 11 ou plus récent, Edge 12 ou plus récent, Firefox 27 ou plus récent, Chrome 30 ou plus récent

Pour les utilisateurs de Macintosh
OS: MacOS 10.7 ou plus récent

Navigateur :
Safari 7+, Firefox 27+, Chrome 30+

OS: iOS 8 ou plus récent

OS: Android 4.0 ou supérieur

voir le programme complet


Course Outline

  • The traditional coordinate tolerancing system
  • Why use GD&T?
  • The symbol groups: form, profile, orientation, location, runout
  • Reading the feature control frame
  • Datums
  • Maximum and least material conditions
  • Bonus tolerance
  • Examples


John-Paul Belanger

As president of Geometric Learning Systems, John-Paul travels throughout North America and Europe to assist corporate groups in implementing proper tolerance design concepts in all engineering and manufacturing phases.

John-Paul has been a full-time consultant in the area of blueprints and tolerances since 1994. He is certified as a Senior-Level GD&T Professional by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers. He holds an aerospace engineering degree from the University of Michigan and specializes in aircraft design and safety.


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  • 1 Heures de formation continue

75 $ (+ TPS/TVQ)


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