Deyanira (Deja) Mendoza Dominguez
P. Eng, PMP- Instructor's Assistant
Deyanira (Deya) Mendoza is a Chemical Engineer, certified as a Professional Engineer (P.Eng) in BC, and a certified and designated Project Management Professional (PMP). She is an award-winning mentor with EGBC and an alumna of the Governor General’s Canadian Leadership Conference 2022. Deya’s moto is: “making the impossible possible”. Her strengths are: Learner, Discipline, Responsibility, Harmony, and Maximizer.
She has worked in diverse industries from research and education to seniors’ care, with significant experience in construction, manufacturing, and supply chain. As a management consultant she works with business leaders to improve organizational performance, from strategy right down to operational performance metrics and process improvements.
The MDMOTO Group is their business and they follow a model called ARIA, which stands for Adventure, Research, Investing, and Advising.